Britten, Benjamin, Komponist (1913-1976)
Eigh. Brief mit Unterschrift "Ben", 4 Seiten, quer-8, Aldeburgh (Briefkopf), 25. 7. 1960. - (An James Lawrie.) "My dear Jimmie, Awfully sorry that I can't get up to the meeting of the Opera School tomorrow. I am under severe doctors' order for 2 or 3 months, & severely rationed as to my London visits. I am sorry there is this crisis - but I feel rather unable to comment since I know so little of the facts (of course I realise there is a financial problem, but I fear I don't know whether this is worse than usual, & if there is less hope than usual of over-coming it). I have written to Sanderson asking to see a copy of the Bridges report, wanting of course to see the references to the School; but so far, no reaction, so I can't comment on their comments. But how seriously do people, does the Arts Council, take this report? The only person I know who has had connection [with] the report has been George Christie, & he hasn't much to off[er], & of course must be somewhat biased. Otherwise I know of no one ever who has given evidence - certainly none of us has (which is abit odd considering we do play some part of the operatic biz!). All this is just to question the actual or future importance of the Report; need we take much notice of it, unless, of course it prevents the School getting the money it needs -? Excuse scribble, but I wanted to send personal apologies for non-attendance, & all good wishes [for] the future of the School, if you decide to continue, & of course congratulations to Joan & Anne for their wonderful work. Yours ever Ben." - Kleine Heftspuren, seitliche Lochung unterlegt (geringer Buchstabenverlust).
James Haldane Lawrie (1907-1997) war ein opernbegeisterter englischer Unternehmer, Filmproduzent und Theatermanager und leitete einige Zeit die Künstlervereinigung "English Opera Group" (E. O. G.), die Kammeropern von Britten und anderen Komponisten zur Aufführung verhelfen sollte. Britten lebte seit 1947 in Aldeburgh, wo er im folgenden Jahr das jährliche Festival mitbegründete. George Christie übernahm 1962 als Manager die Glyndebourne Opera.
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